I’m not much of one for resolutions, but I’ve been meaning to start using this site’s blog feature again for a while now and the start of the year is as good a time as any for that, right? So, we’re talking more of a coincidence here rather than a commitment. At least, that’s going to be my excuse if I suddenly give this up for months at a time again!
Anyway, there’s not much sense in having a blog without a purpose, and I think that’s where I failed before. I figure this time around I’ll try to post sorta-regular updates on what I’m working on and maybe give some insight into what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. I do that via Facebook groups already for the most part, so I think I can manage that here as well.
With that in mind, let’s talk about my workspace a bit!
My hobby space is just spare closet space that I’ve built some simple shelves into, with a cheap desk and drawers for work and storage. It’s small and oddly shaped, yes, and I’d love to have an actual studio with a window to distract me and a bunch of extra space to cram in lots more boxes and shelves with lots more shit, but you really don’t need much more than this to sit down to build and paint minis. This isn’t the first closet I’ve stuck my desk into for minis either: that one was the one I produced my Golden Daemon diorama in!
Anyway, the point I want to make here is this: most people probably have an extra bit of space somewhere that they could set up shop in with just a little bit of effort. It might be a closet, a corner of the basement, a pantry, some haunted void space in a weird old house, or whatever; and it’s probably full of junk you don’t need but just don’t want to go through and toss out! It drives me nuts to see people complain that they don’t want to paint because it’s a chore to get everything out onto the kitchen table, then put it all back away after, when a more permanent solution is likely just a free hours of hard work away.
Finally, here’s what I’m currently working on:
It’s ork buggies in the foreground, with a whole mess of other crap in the back! I’m hoping to be able to play some Speed Freeks with the buggies on Sunday and then move onto other things from there, so we’ll see how that goes. 😉