Well, what a year this has been! I’m writing this post on election night of all times, partly as an escape from the election coverage, and partly because I, just today, remembered I still have a website. Seriously, I’ve forgotten about this place for months now as priorities have been elsewhere, and most of my hobby hopes and goals have been left for dead like those poor Night Lords in the pic up above.
Since my last update back in February, I’ve only really managed to paint up a handful of models, and most of those have been for other people. The COVID-19 lockdown forced Adepticon to cancel, which was a HUGE bummer, and it sent me on furlough for a solid month (which was pretty awesome, I’m not gonna lie!). It also sent my wife on furlough for a good five months, and forced my kids to cut their school years early, so I gave up lots of potential hobby time to spend time with the family instead, while also jumping back into a day job that had radically changed because of the pandemic. In the midst of all that craziness, both my wife and dad ended up contracting COVID-19 itself, and having the virus right in your house is unbelievably difficult to deal with. On top of all of that, I lost my mom to cancer in the midst of the lockdown, and the emotional drain that caused is something that I’ve still not recovered from.
So… yeah, this year can die in a fire! :P
The good news is, I’m finally back to painting regularly and I’ve updated the site with the few pictures of models I’ve painting since February. The bad news is, I’ve decided to lay off the commissions for a good while. While I really do enjoy painting for others, I really need to get some of my own stuff done. My poor Ghazzy’s been sitting half-finished for months now, and who could argue with him? lol