Man, I haven't written a blog post since February? Yeah, I've thought about fixing that more than a few times, but between summer family vacation time, my day job, and my commission work, when I have a bit of free time to actually write something here, I usually end up just working on more models instead! :P
Speaking of painting models, here's a summer-themed diorama I just finished for a mini swap for the Hobby Hangout Facebook group:
Greenskins, popsickles, and water-based weaponry. What could be more summer than that? lol
Also, I just upload a picture of a box-art level commission for an Eidolon of Mathlann that I'm crazy proud of. I worked to try to match the 'Eavy Metal team artwork as closely as I could for most of it, per the client's request, while tweaking a few things here and there to make it just different enough to make it unique. Go find him in my Warhammer: Age of Sigmar gallery and take a look! :D